It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate at the virtual Value-Based conference on 23. May 2024 in Tallinn, Estonia.
The conference aims at raising awareness and knowledge among the healthcare community on the value of patient-centered healthcare. A shift of emphasis is required from a siloed budget-focused approach towards a more holistic health and social care system approach. Future healthcare will be more personalized in all stages of healthcare where an evidence-based integrated approach will be applied with an increased role of patients in managing their own health and care. At the conference, good practices and practical examples will be focused on developing and implementing patient-centered healthcare approaches.
Virtual (on-line) participation at VBHC 2024 is free for pre-registered delegates.
Our event programme and registration ise available at the conference website.
Please feel free to circulate this email and the details of this Conference among your colleagues, contacts and lists.
The conference is organised by the Estonian Health Insurance Fund, the Estonian Chamber of Disabled People, the Estonian Cancer Society and the Estonian Association of Pharmaceutical Companies.
Only the best is good enough!